Do you struggle with physical limitations like 

tight hips, limited mobility, and an inflexible body?

Skyrocket your hip mobility in just 30 days - without HAVING TO USE ANY FOAM ROLLING OR MASSAGE gUNS...

(perfect if you've tried to improve your hip mobility but failed in the past...)



The Answer to Your Physical Limitations Starts July 3rd

THIS Programme Is For You IF...

  • You want to kick start the summer with more hip mobility. Imagine being able to squat lower, run faster, and lift heavier weights with ease.

  • You want to work with the Movement 101 team directly, be held accountable AND get the tools necessary to break through your physical limitations.

  • You're sick of "secrets" and "hacks" and just want something that (1) works and (2) anyone can do…

Our 30-Day Hip Mobility Program will help to unlock your physical potential and enable you become the best version of yourself

Meet your new coaches for the next 30 days...

Brian & Rob from movement 101

We Help People Physically Feel Amazing.

We teach every client the underlying principles so these results stick long term - so you can improve how you move, feel & perform forever.

We moved in pain for years...

Brian was struggling through 4 years of shoulder pain while Rob at 35 was depressed, overweight & suffering for back pain for 3 years.

Both of us spent thousands of euros and tired for years to fix our problems to no avail.

So, we decided to seek new information.

Through our separate journeys, both of us realized taking a holistic approach was the #1 thing we were missing to improve our lives & finally have the confidence to move and perform better than ever

If you've ever struggled with the same aches & pains for years or you feel like you've got no certainty of how you can improve...

...we know how you feel because we've been there aswell.

We (Brian, 36 & Rob, 46) got ourselves moving pain free and today are in the shape of their lives.

This is how our company & misson was born.

We set up Movement 101 in 2017 with one simple goal:

Make Movement Accessible to the Masses.

We started attracting many individual clients who faced the same problem as us through word of mouth.

This led to us training one of the best GAA footballers of all time (Dublin's James McCarty).

James had the best 3 seasons of his career and we worked individually with him for a little over 3 years.

We ended up being featured in an article in the Irish Times.

This lead to a 100% word-of-mouth business & we were helping so many people.

But then it happened.

We had a surge of customers wanting to train with us individually, but we simply didn't have the room.

So we created our very first online hip program

to teach the exact movements we were teaching our individual clients.

These have helped 13,000+ people over the last six years and is the perfect introduction for you to start your journey.

🔑 Hint: Behind the scenes, we've worked with some of the biggest athletes you’ve probably heard of (GAA, Olympics, as well as the Championship & Premier League in the UK) 😉

Greg Docherty (Hull City)

“I can’t believe how good and fast I feel throughout the whole season. These exercises look super simple but they are tougher than they look. An absolute game changer for me personally and professionally.”

Dominic Iorfa (Sheffield Wednesday)

“This type of training was completely new to me & has helped me physically perform better on the pitch. I’ve never seen exercises like this before. It’s much more effective then foam rolling or massage. Which I’ve done for years.”

Michael Rose (Conventry City)

“This is the longest I have stayed injury free throughout a season so I know its working. I feel looser and recovering so much easier between games.

I have a confidence in my body & performance on the pitch that wasn’t there previously. A game changer.”

Today, we routinely help people perform better than ever as they move into their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond ...

What we do with our clients is a lot deeper than JUST mobility.

We teach underlying principles that build real confidence, conviction & clarity in how you live, perform & move.

Everything is geared towards HEATLH & LONGEVITY for our clients.

A HOLISTIC approach to taking real ownership of your body, health & life.

Many people just accept their physical limitations as they get older, and we wonder if they are going to go down the same terrible routes we did:

  • Years of trial and error

  • Years of wasting money

  • Years of throwing money against the wall to see what sticks

  • Years of Google searching trying to find the answers

  • Years of hardship, struggles and unhappiness

The Jump Start Hip Programme is our bullet-proof mobility method we've developed over the last 6 years, helping THOUSANDS of people improve how they move, perform & feel.

But instead of joining our coaching programmes ranging from €1,299 to €3,000... can work closely with us for the next 30 days - for just €99!


...and there's MORE

"To think I have improved my squat position and I haven't even squatted once. My hips feel so much better." - Diane, 36

"As a dancer, I have been stretching for YEARS. I have got better results in 4 weeks training this way then any amount of stretching has ever gotten me. I honestly can't believe it." - Claire, 35

“The first picture is after 6 months of doing yoga 3 times a week. I still can’t believe the difference in only 4 weeks. It’s a bit mad when you see them side by side. - Orla, 34

Over the next 30 days you will...

  • Be coached through a specific programme to improve your hip mobility (we're confident you've NEVER trained this way before).

  • Learn the fundamental principles of hip mobility & how to keep these results long term (you work directly with us throughout the 30 days).

  • Access to 30-days worth of specific weekly trainings to help you improve your performance, results and daily motivation.

  • Easily access your programme details and extended tutorials via your private, individual login details to the Movement 101 Hip Programme so you can do the programme anywhere (no equipment needed) AND at any time.

  • Move, perform & live better than ever. This programme will shift your mind as much as your body. Our holistic approach to improving your mobility will give you results that last.


What You'll Get...

  • Private Facebook Group to get direct access to Brian, Rob & Movement 101 team to ask questions, review videos & ensure you are progressing (we're here to coach you, NOT JUST COUNT REPS)

  • Private Membership Portal to get access to your 30-Day Programme (no equipment required, follow the programme whenever it suits you).

  • Weekly LIVE Training Calls to address important topics that will help you succeed


You have Questions, We have Answers!

How is this challenge different from Mobile 4 life or your other one-off programs?

This is ALOT more than a hip programme. You will be working directly with us for the 30 days, and we will be coaching you through each phase.

We are available to keep you accountable, go deeper with our coaching philosophy so you get the results you want & ensure you are progressing.

None of which are available on any of our one-off programs.

What if I can't make the additional live training sessions?

Don't worry. The live training is only one hour a week which will be recorded for you to watch in your own time.

The group is accessible 24/7.

We are available to answer questions, give feedback & ensure you are progressing throughout the 30 days.

The hip programme can be followed at ANY time of day that suits you.

What equipment do I need to train?


You just need yourself and space to train.

We may encourage you to use certain props to help with feedback or increase the intensity as you progress (e.g., books, foam rollers, etc.), but they are not necessary.

We can progress you without any equipment.

Do you have any guarantees after the 30 days?

If you fully commit to the programme, ask questions and utilise our expertise.

You will have more control of your body, more confidence in how you physically perform & improved hip mobility.

That we can guarantee 💪🏻

No thanks, my hip mobility is perfect.